I've recently been creating custom colored Windowblinds via the WB config (Look & Feel > Colours > Create New/Delete Preset) option.
Once I attempt to change a Windowblind by applying it via Theme Manager my custom color will be applied to that WB skin (Something I don't want and don't think should be happening). This only happens when I try to change/apply a Windowblind skin via Theme Manager. I can apply any Windowblind via the WB Config and it will be applied with the Default skin color (which is what I want and what I believe should happen).
Steps I've taken to reproduce this:
- Applied the Turbo WindowBlind (default color)
- Open WB Config > Look & Feel > Colours > selected Create New/Delete Preset > Created a Preset
- Made sure to select that preset and change the color
- Click the Apply Changes Button in the upper right hand corner
- Once applied Open Theme Manager and apply any theme
- The Windowblind should be shown with the custom color you chose
Again, I have to apply the Windowblind a second time using the WB config to have it set to the default color.
Vista Ultimate x64
WB6 version 6.00[b].102
Theme Manager 2.50c.046